
The Board extends a warm welcome to Carrie Hirst who has joined the KCSC team as Acting CEO while the incumbe

Women's Rough Sleeping Census are pleased to share the 2023 census report.
KCSC is carrying out a short salary benchmarking survey to gauge salary levels paid at local level and to assess what (if any)…

London Plus's new impact report is the second report from the network. 

Pan Macmillan is opening up its Farringdon offices on Fridays to charities with "missions that align" with their soci

K&C Together Week 2024: Amplifying Young Voices for Change is a festival of informative, interac

The Community Chest, a grant award part of the Vibrant & Healthy Communities Programme, has funded 16 VCS organi

Thanks to all across the Bi borough who came to the Vibrant and Healthy Communities 'Doing things Differently' Bi bor