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Community Engagement
An interview with Hodan Somali Community
Interview with Mohamed Farah, Director of Hodan Somali Community
Our Community, Our Voice!
🌟 Exciting News events two and three are available to book. 🌟
We are thrilled to announce that our bid for funding from the Westway Trust Transformation Fund has been successful!
Think CO release Autumn Newsletter
Think CO have released their Autumn 2024 newsletter, containing information and resources that will help organisations raise carbon monoxide (CO) awareness with the people they support in all our communities, as well as with work or volunteering colleagues.
Grenfell Tower Enquiry Screening and Support
Following the publication of the Phase 2 Grenfell Tower Inquiry Report, SpaceYouth believe it is important to give the local community a chance to ask questions, be informed and discuss the recommendations from the report.
Grenfell Tower Inquiry report: Government information
The government have released an update which provides information relating to the publication of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry’s final report on 4 September.
K&C Together Week 2024
K&C Together Week 2024: Amplifying Young Voices for Change is a festival of informative, interactive events, panels and sessions co-hosted by KCSC and Young K&C.
Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP)
Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP) activation encourages partners to do what they can to shelter rough sleepers.