Community and User Engagement

JRF's handbook on community participation is a great, user-friendly resource for organisations to use when thinking through their existing or future community engagement strategies.

The 'Community Planning Toolkit' website developed by Community Places provides extensive guidance on community engagement through both a toolkit and series of podcast episodes.

The National Standards for Community Engagement developed by the Scottish Government and the Scottish Community Development Centre provide a set of 'good-practice principles' for community engagement, as well as a range of toolkits to support the process.

Involve offer a wide range of resources on participation, including answers to such as questions as 'what is participation', as well as a variety of methods and case studies showcasing best practice. While much of the focus is on public participation, the resources remain relevant to voluntary and community organisations, as well as individuals wishing to get more involved.

Among Locality's range of resources for community organisations is a quick guide to getting and keeping local people involved in your work.

Read about how Mind include the voices of those with lived experience in their work by looking here and through their Lived Experience Influence and Participation policy.

To enquire about KCSC's free one-to-one support and training, please email: [email protected]

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