Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) and the Equality Act Training

 Registration is closed for this event
This session will provide an overview of the Equality Act 2010 and your responsibilities as an employer and service provider towards Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) is an essential part of workplace training and helps to build awareness of biases and other barriers current or prospective staff, volunteers and service users may face. Understanding Equality legislation, the nine characteristics protected by the Equality Act, and how to identify and address discrimination and unfair treatment will help ensure your organisation operates as an inclusive and equitable employer and service provider. This will also help shape and inform several of the core policies your organisation needs (e.g., recruitment, volunteer management, EDI).

There will be an opportunity in the session to workshop any queries, and to input into the development of RBKC’s new Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Objectives and Action Plan.

This training will take place online via Microsoft Teams with limited spaces available to attend in person at Kensington Town Hall. Please indicate if you would like to attend in person when booking your place.


Terms and Conditions

This training is for representatives of local voluntary and community organisations operating in the borough of Kensington & Chelsea. It is not open to members of the public. 

By booking you are confirming acceptance of our Terms and Conditions


Please note that places on this training are free of charge. However, KCSC does operate a cancellation policy, where a fee of £30 may be charged for non attendance if registrants fail to show up or do not attend the full session without notifying us by email at least 3 days in advance of the event start time.


13th, September 2023 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Hybrid Event via Microsoft Teams
Freeman Suite, Kensington Town Hall
Hornton Street
W8 7NX