Funding and Networking Event: Youth Voice and Leadership

 Registration is closed for this event
Would securing funding and gaining access to a wider pool of candidates help your organisation involve more young people in shaping, delivering and/or evaluating projects? Come to this event to talk to national and local funders, network with like-minded organisations, and promote your services and opportunities to motivated local young people.


KCSC and Young K&C are co-hosting K&C Together Week 2024: Amplifying Young Voices for Change.

Join us at the Imperial College Invention Rooms on Thursday 1 February to hear from grantmakers including John Lyons Charity, The National Lottery, Young K&C and The Westway Trust about their funding priorities and expert advice, then connect with young people who want to help create positive change. Promote your paid and voluntary opportunities for them to get involved in you organisations.

4.30pm: Arrivals and networking with local organisations

4.45pm: Meet the Funder Workshop: Funding Youth-Led Projects

6.00pm: Connect with motivated young changemakers and promote your opportunities for them to get involved

You should attend this event if:

  • You are a voluntary or community organisation delivering services in Kensington and Chelsea
  • You value the skills, ideas and passion of young people
  • You currently involve young people in shaping your projects and services, or
  • You are planning to involve young people in shaping your projects and services

There will be experts in youth involvement, community engagement, organisational development, bidwriting and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion attending the event to provide information, advice and arrange follow-up support.

Delicious food and refreshments provided!

If you would like to invite young people aged 15-25 to attend the event, to hear from inspiring young changemakers and look for recruitment opportunities, please use this Eventbrite link: Public Registration Form (not for Organisations).

Terms and Conditions

By booking you are confirming acceptance of our Terms and Conditions

Cancellation and punctuality 

If, on consecutive occasions, you arrive late, leave early or fail to attend without providing prior notice at least 3 working days in advance of an event start time, a temporary bar will be enforced on your organisation for a period of 6 months.


1st, February 2024 from  4:30 PM to  7:00 PM
The Invention Rooms
Wood Lane
W12 7TA