The Pixel Fund

The Pixel Fund is a small charity which distributes grants to other charities in its field of interest. Its focus is the mental health and well-being of children and young adults.

The fund generally offers first grants of between £2,500 and £5,000. However, no single grant is ever more than 5% of annual income.

The fund aims to support improvement in mental health by providing grants to UK registered charities involved in the mental health and wellbeing of children and young adults.

The fund prefers to target its grant-giving to specific projects that will provide a measurable difference to the charities' users. Funding is intended to support specific projects that will provide a measurable difference to the applicant organisation's users, and not core costs.

Applications will only be accepted from registered charities based in the UK.

The fund's focus is the mental health and well-being of children and young adults. They will only grant to projects or organisations that are core-focused on mental health-related matters.

There is a multi-step application process:

  • Groups should first attend a Pixel Fund Applicants pre-meeting to discuss a new idea and ensure they are eligible to apply. The next Applicants meeting dates are: 
    • 7 February 2024 (13:00).
    • 9 February 2024 (9:00).
    • 15 February 2024 (12:30).
  • Eligible groups will then be sent a link to an Eligibility Requirements questionnaire. 
  • Following the above, groups will then be emailed a request to fill out a due diligence form.
  • Successful organisations will then be invited to complete an online application form.

This process typically takes around four months from start to finish.

The Fund is paperless and will not accept anything posted to its address unless specifically requested by the trustees.

For full details, including eligibility criteria, restrictions, and bookings for the Pixel Fund Applicants pre-meetings, visit the funder's website (link below).


The Pixel Fund