Bi-borough VCS Health and Wellbeing Providers Group

 Registration is closed for this event
An essential link with the NHS, Council and other voluntary sector and community providers across North-West London.
  • All voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations which provide health and wellbeing services in Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster are invited.
  • The group will link local organisations with the new North West London NHS structures, in two ways:

-        it’s part of the structure of 3ST, or Third Sector Together, a collaboration of VCS organisations which will provide a strategic and commissioning link between the VCS and the new Integrated Care System in the NHS’s North West London region. 

-        it mirrors the NHS’s new local structure, the ICP or Integrated Care Partnership, within which operations will be run on a bi-borough basis.

Why attend?

 This meeting is different to the health and wellbeing meetings which KCSC and One Westminster run within boroughs.  It will focus on the developing Integrated Care System (ICS) in North-West London, developments at a bi-borough level, and help to ensure that the VCS is treated as an equal, recognised and respected partner by other parts of the system.  The meetings will include:

  • Specific discussion about strategic NHS developments at NW London and borough level.
  • Opportunities to participate in the design of services and delivery partnerships.
  • Identifying organisations which can represent the sector on NHS operational groups. 
  • Ensuring that the sector is well represented at NHS meetings to improve the effectiveness of services for residents and the availability of funding.

At the first meeting..

  • We’ll explain more about the NHS’s developments, how this group fits in – and clarify all the acronyms!  There will be time for questions and discussion.
  • We’ve invited Kathleen Isaac, Deputy Director of Operations, North West Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust to talk about a working group aiming to improve patients’ experience of discharge from hospital and how the VCS fits in.  

 Any questions? 

 Please contact [email protected] if you’d like more information about the meeting in advance.

This meeting is for representatives of local voluntary and community organisations operating in the borough of Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster. It is not open to members of the public. 

5th, August 2021 from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Online Meeting via Zoom